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    attention atta eaters!

    What you ate your whole life, was dead atta! What is dead atta? Atta that is just calories and empty of any nutrition. Hard to believe? Let me tell you a story...

    From a young age, coming from a family business in flour milling, I visited many atta mills. I saw chakkis grinding at high speeds of 500 revolutions per minute, at temperatures above 100˚ C, killing all nutrition. I couldn't help but think, more output = more profit per hour, but where is the profit to consumer, Dead? My mission was clear, 'to end the atta epidemic & repair our broken food system'

    And so was born, Jiwa Cold Pressed Attas, a product that combines age-old milling practices with modern technology. Flours that are ground at ambient temperature, have the entire bran layer, retain the sweet taste of grain, and most importantly, make no compromise in nutrition, Food the way our grandparents ate.
    From here on, experience the difference for yourself and taste the future of flour!

    Raghav Gupta, Founder